University... :)

Salam alaykum..:)

Hey guys.. I've always been dreaming about my university.. opps!! haha.. our university..JORDAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY... Woooaaa~ sound like a great name right?..(>.<).. hu3.. how's it looks like??.. hmmm.. is it awesome like university in our country, Malaysia?.. ( proud to be Malaysian..^^).. ok.. lets check this out...----->

                          ( woooaaa~ how cool it is.. can't wait to study there..>.<'')



JUST located in Irbid, about 80 km from Amman North and close to Jordan-Syria border.

                            (here.. where all of us will study after this..yeay2..(n_n)..)


JUST built in 1984 and is a branch of science faculty of the University of Yarmouk until separated and established as a different university at 1 September, 1986. JUST was crowned as the best research institutions in Jordan in 2010 and is one of the best universities in the Muslim world...<-- (proud to be study there..:)..)


Fields of Study offered by the sponsor Malaysia scholarship

  • Medicine
    for more information..:)

  • Dentistry
    also.. for more information..>.<


JUST consists of two main campuses:

  • Medical Campus
  • Engineering Campus

Other than that, there are many facilities available such as:..(yess! i like it..^^)

  • Outdoor stadium

  • library (largest in the Middle East).. hmmm~.. haa.. same like (INTEC)..:)
  • Indoor Stadium
  • Swimming pool
  • Computer Lab
King Abdullah University Hospital (KAUH)

KAUH is a hospital which located next to the Faculty of Medicine, JUST. The hospital is a place to practice during the clinical year medical student. In addition, students at JUST only have to pay 10% of the total cost of treatment if treatment from this hospital.

KAUH is a tertiary hospital with latest equipment to make the best medical institutions in Jordan.

     the place where the medical student do their clinical year.. one of them.. will be us..:)

          The Red Hall (conference room) in King Abdullah University Hospital, the teaching 
            hall for JUST student...


JUST faculty will use  English and Arabic as the medium of learning

There are 3 semester of each academic session

  • First semester (four months) - Winter (October-January)
  • Second semester (four months) - Spring (February-June)
  • The third semester (2 months) - Summer (July-August)

Sessions held in:

  • Lecture in the Class
  • Practical in the Laboratory
  • Ward Round for Clinical Medical Students
  • Clinical Practical in Dental Clinic for Dental Student

Fuhh!!. ok.. done.. here are some information for us for OUR UNIVERSITY
before we end this session.. here are a video for you.. enjoy it..

.. hope we'll see there guys!!...(n_n)

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Places to Visit...


  • A prehistory city in Jordan. which lies in the famous Wadi Araba Valley.
  • Petra implies 'rock' in Greek.
  • A World Heritage Site and receives thousands of visitors every year.
  • Climate:
    • Has a moderate climate with summers ranging from mild to hot; winters, cold and rainy. 
    • The climate is mainly dry all year round.
    • Evenings in summer are pleasant with cool breezes.
    • Spring and fall are pleasant times to visit.
  • History: Petra was under the brief rule of the Romans during which it progressed considerably. Toda it is a renowned tourist destination and a World Heritage Site.


Wadi Musa (Arabic, translated as ' Valley of Moses'), is situated in the Aqaba Govenorship of Southern Jordan. It is the closest town to the archaeological site of Petra.

At the north of Wadi Musa lies the Beida area and at about 15 km to the south there is the village of Taybeh. Nearby large cities are Amman, Gaza and Tel-Aviv.

Climate: Extremely hot and dry in summer and very cold in winter.

Wadi Musa is a small and sparsely populated town consisting mainly of hotels and restaurants taht serve to welcome the visitors of Petra.

The official language of Wadi Musa is Arabic and the Jordanian Dina (JD) is the national currency.


Aqaba is a coastal city in the country of Jordan. It is the capital of the AqabaGovernate and also the only seaport in the country. With a population of approximately 75,000 inhabitants, Aqaba is a strategically important city and is often referred to as a the 'Red Sea Resort'.

Climate: Summers are hot but cool breezes alleviate the temperatures. Winters are moderate and very dry. The best time to visit Aqaba is during spring and fall.

Aqaba is best known as a major tourist beach resort. Its economy is mainly based on the exports of phosphate and seashells.

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